GFF Power Website,domain & DNS zone records Summary

GFF Power Website,domain & DNS zone records Summary

Please see the summary below of the GFF Power Website migration, and the registration of your domain and DNS zone records



I have confirmed that CrazyDomains have acquired Vodien, I validated this acquisition as I attempt to logon to CrazyDomains and reset your password, however the email your received for this reset request came from Vodien and not CrazyDomains.  

CrazyDomains moved your Domain Records over to Vodien, however a lookup of your GFF Power domain records still showed they were registered with Crazydomains which was the cause of so much confusion. I contacted Vodien , they confirmed this to be an error, and were to update your domain registration details to show that GFFPower domain is now registered with Vodien.   


Vodien is ONLY used for domain name registration, not for hosting of your DNS zone records, you have two Vodien logon accounts:

 1:  Customer ID: M9862713

Vodien Logon ID:

Password: See ZoHo Vault 

This is your only active account.


 2: James Customer ID: M9864693

Vodien Logon ID:

Password: See ZoHo Vault 

This account is inactive, last used in 2021, do not use.



Username: gffpower

Password: See ZoHo Vault 

Itomic was used for hosting your legacy web site, and for hosting of your DNS Zone files .

Future Considerations:

Atomic was hosting your legacy website and all DNS records, however now the only service provided is DNS hosting and record management, as such you no longer need to pay for the web hosting component , which should save you hundreds of dollars . Please work with Atomic to reduce your web hosting costs, but please make if clear that you still require them to host your zone records. If they cannot reduce the cost due to the fact that Atomic is still hosting your zone records, then we can always migrate all DNS records over to 3MD and get 3MD to host your Zone records. To complete this change, we also need to change the Name Servers registered with GFFPOWER.COM.AU (hosted by Vodien) from:

To: (SMD) (SMD)


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